I share stories on nurturing well-being and create meditative art inspired by the seasons within.


"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
― Henry David Thoreau
Meet Tanja
I am a journalist by vocation and was working as an editor when I got sidetracked by anxiety and overwhelmed by the corporate mindset, so I took a sabbatical year to prioritize well-being. This was in 2019. when I started this blog, uncovered my love for photography and began to paint. When the magic unfolded.
I found healing in these creative practices, along with mindfulness which I also began to practice. They offered a safe space to rebuild the content of my everyday life. A way to engage with it with more delight, wonder and gratitude.
Even though I returned to work at the newspaper, the soulful expansion these efforts brought on eventually had me quit my full-time job, and commit to building a mindfully creative life focused on well-being.
I am an art therapy practitioner in education and a basics of mindfulness teacher in training, with a flair for painting. I see it as an intuitive practice that connects me with my core and the life force flow, translating that bond into tangible lessons. And I am looking forward to exploring the opportunities it holds.

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them."
― Henry David Thoreau
Meet Tanja
I am a journalist by vocation and was working as an editor when I got sidetracked by anxiety and overwhelmed by the corporate mindset, so I took a sabbatical year to prioritize well-being. This was in 2019. when I started this blog, uncovered my love for photography and began to paint. When the magic unfolded.
I found healing in these creative practices during the challenging time of my recovery from anxiety disorder and burnout. Combined with mindfulness which I also began to practice they helped me balance self-imposed limitations brought on by an inclination to avoid stressors by offering a safe space to rebuild the content of my everyday life. A way to engage with it with more delight, wonder and gratitude.
Even though I eventually returned to work at the newspaper, the soulful expansion these efforts brought on recently had me quit my full-time job and commit to building a mindfully creative life focused on well-being. Though writing remains my first love, and photography its sister, painting is my current crush. I see it as an intuitive practice that connects me with my core and the life force flow, translating that bond into tangible lessons. And I am looking forward to exploring the opportunities it holds.
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Do not miss out on kind notes packed with soulful content and motivation to live your purpose mindfully and intentionally.